Backup your work! Please!

Tonight I had me a good scare. I’d opened up V&A Shipping 3 to double check an event that I was going to reference in GRPC3 and…huh. What do you know. The book was ~60,000 words long. I seem to remember it being far closer to 90,000 words.

Panic set in.

I opened one back up and it was the same. Another back up, the same. An ebook conversion from Scrivener…the same.

I wasn’t 100% certain where I’d finished writing this book, but I knew I had. I doubled checked my word count spreadsheet and sure enough, that word count was far higher and showed the date I’d finished writing it. So it had to be somewhere!

Now, I’d built a new PC at the end of 2019. Really nice PC. I love this thing. It’s what I’m using to edit all my YouTube videos on. It’s a monster machine. I had the old SSD connected (and backed up on the new machines 8TB drive). I ran a scan there and VIOLA! I found the finished version.

I must have completed the work on the old PC and neglected to put it onto the thumb drive I normally do my work from.

Just because I do my work from an attached Thumb Drive doesn’t mean I don’t back it up regularly. I backup weekly and usually keep a few additional backups just in case I run into a situation like I did this evening.

All I can say is, if you work on a computer in any capacity, backup your work. Do it regularly. Do it consistently. Do it for your own sanity.

Until Next Time!

Stay Awesome!

Posted on February 9, 2021, in Blog Post and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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